Coffee Meets Bagel: Design Challenge

Design exercise Addressing lack of information on Likes Me grid view


“Likes You” is a Coffee Meets Bagel premium feature that allows users to see in one place everyone who has already liked their profile. Its current execution is a single grid of photo tiles which link to a user's profile when tapped. Some users say it is hard to tell from the grid view whether tapping on a user’s profile tile will be worthwhile. For the purposes of this visual design exercise, I focused exclusively on the grid view to improve the both the information displayed and the UI.

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About 50% of all relationships now start online. As algorithmic dating continues to change the way people meet, redesigning “grid view” is an opportunity to:

1. Extend the CMB mission to spark meaningful connections and give everyone a chance at love

2. Drive more users to sign up for premium by making match finding quicker, easier and more engaging

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More than other dating apps, Coffee Meets Bagel users are motivated by finding partnership. In fact, 86% of CMB users say they want to find a long term relationship. For this reason, CMB users want as much information as possible to feel confident about potential matches before even going on a first date.

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To help guide ideation, I considered the following assumptions based on user feedback and research.

  1. I believe premium users want basic information on grid view profile tiles (name, age, location, job title, per user interviews)

  2. I believe users want to know who is most compatible and why (basic preferences exposed)

  3. I believe users want to see which profiles sent an intro message as a signal around level of interest in them

  4. I believe users want to know which profiles are looking for the same type of relationship as them based on preference criteria

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